Chris Bumstead won the Classic Physique at Olympia 2024 on Saturday Winning the Mr. Olympia is undoubtedly the pinnacle of achievement in bodybuilding. And it’s been years: Arnold Schwarzenegger was training for the classic 1977 documentary Pumping Iron. Just one win will be the pinnacle of a bodybuilder’s career. Multiple wins means you’re an all-time great. Physiotherapy, wheelchairs, and bikinis were part of an exciting day at Olympia 2024. The Las Vegas Convention Center has posted the Saturday morning events for the 2024 Joe Weider Olympia Fitness and Performance Weekend. Today’s schedule includes both rounds of the highly anticipated Classic Physique Olympia, Men’s Physique Olympia, Bikini Olympia, and the 2024 Wheelchair Olympia. Here’s a recap of what happened on the World Fitness Expo stage. Chris Bumstead wins the 2024 Classic Physique Olympia
2024 was similar to the classic Physics Olympia; “And yet…” from host Bob Ciccherillo, who won Chris Bumstead’s sixth title. The bodybuilding superstar who has defined the division’s image since 2019 faces his toughest competition yet, but Bumstead once again sets the standard.
Chris Bumstead won the Classic Physique at Olympia 2024 on Saturday
Five-time defending champions Chris Bumstead and Mike Sommerfeld occupied the middle of the final callout. Urs Kalecinski and Ramon Rocha Querioz are out. Head judge Steve Weinberger asked them to rotate for multiple posing rounds. Chris Bumstead has won five in a row. He competed in “classical physics,” a new discipline emphasizing proportion and symmetry over absolute size. (You know, relatively speaking.) This week, he’s looking to extend that to a sixth title in a row. Mr. Olympia is the only competition he competes in year-round, but it still requires a year-long dedication to eating and drinking to get bigger and stronger and then “cut” into fighting shape. Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024
Chris Bumstead: The best way I can explain is that trying to grow over the years has peaks and valleys. Most of my year is spent gaining weight, eating as much as possible, training to be as strong or as big as possible, and putting on as much muscle as possible. Then 16 weeks before the competition, I started a diet and started doing a bit more cardio, and then the goal became to cut body fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible. From there, I reduce my calories and increase my cardio. So you are quite tired, and hungry, and you have to work harder than you have all year. It just becomes a mental battle of discipline and trying to make your body as strong as possible while maintaining as much as possible.
Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024
The day starts with classic physics. Five-time defending Olympia champion Chris Bumstead stood alongside more than 50 of the IFBB Pro League’s best, including Urs Kalecinski and Mike Sommerfeld, who stood beside him in the final comparison. This means the championship is up to three more. We’ll see how it ends tonight at Resorts World. Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024
Final Callout featured Bumstead vs. Sommerfeld for the title. Ansley, Kalecinski, Querioz, Sommerfeld, and Bumstead rounded out the top five and performed individually for the crowd. Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024
I don’t have much balance when it comes to preparing for bodybuilding. I just throw balls to the wall, throw my boundaries out the window—you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do when you’re in prep. But throughout the year, since I only compete once, I can give myself some time, like going out to dinner with my wife, traveling, having some downtime, and then building up to be able to do it again. If I had competed consistently throughout the year, I would have burned out even faster.
Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024
I push my brain on other things besides bodybuilding. My life is bodybuilding, but I don’t spend a lot of my time talking about it. I’m in the gym a few hours a day and when I’m off, I’m with my family, my wife or I’m at work and talking about business. Instead of having it constantly on my mind 24/7, I can put my time into other things. Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024 Not Ryan Terry, many men’s physique fans are rooting for to repeat as champion, but they also thought 2022 winner Erin Banks would be with him. If the callouts are any indication, Ali Bilal appears to be the man to push Terry for the title, which was a pleasant surprise to many fans in Brazil. Nothing is written in stone yet though. The top 10 will take center stage during the finals tonight.
Chris Bumstead wins Olympia 2024
Chris Bumstead was the winner of the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Mr. Olympia competitions, making him the current champion of Men’s Classic Fiji.