Let’s know about this Royal Enfield Guerrilla Royal Enfield Gorilla 450 is available in three variants Analogue, Dash, and Flash. The on-road starting price is 2.9 lakh and below 3.7 lakh. Good looking and rounded headlights and Royal Enfield R logo available This Royal Enfield Himalayan Good Gorilla 450 is even better.
Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 On-Road Price?
The seat height of this motorcycle is 780MM The ground clearance is 169MM The capacity is an 11-liter fuel tank. The weight of this car is above 185 kg This car has big tires and a unique design Before that I told you the disc size it’s a 310mm front disc and it’s 10mm smaller than the Himalayan because the tire size here is now a bigger disc. The rear wheel of this motorcycle is available in 160mm The rear wheel is the same size as the Himalayan with the same 270mm disc exhaust.
Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450
A spring provided under the seat has a powerful and sturdy exhaust The seat is very nice and soft and very pleasant to look at This car horn is very high quality and has clear sound You will find a USB charging socket here yes it is a USB-C charging socket which is such a good thing it never goes out of focus.
The power of this motorcycle is available at 40ps 40Nm If you are looking for the best between Himalayan and Gorilla which is best for you and the best quality and price? , the Himalayas are better than the gorillas.
Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 On-Road Price?
Because Royal Enfield Himalayan vs Royal Enfield Guerrilla is available with almost the same specifications and same quality.