This is the history of Susan Wojcicki story was born on July 5, 1968, in the United States
Her mother’s name is Esther Wojcicki She is a school teacher Father’s name is Ashtonley Wojcicki He is a physics professor at Stanford University Susan Wojcicki graduated from Hibbard University in 1990 with a BA in History and Literature. He later completed his Masters in Economics from the University of California in 1993
and in 1998 to study for a Master of Management and Business at the UC Ale Soon School of Management in Antarctica. In late 1998, the world-famous search engine Google was founded by two friends: Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Larry Page was born in America, his current age is 49 years.
He rents this gas for $1700Two friends rent an office in the garage of Susan Wojcicki’s California home Susan Wojcicki is an advertising personality for Google Personal life Wojcicki married Dennis Troper, Google’s director of product management, on August 23, 1998 in Bellonia, California. . They had five children.
Susan Wojcicki is the former CEO of YouTube
She doesn’t use much social media and is not very active on social media so no one knows her that much In 2014, Susan Wojcicki was appointed CEO of YouTube. The Veteran YouTube CEO passed away today
He was 56 years old and had been suffering from cancer for two years and was hospitalized for two years. After Susan Wojcicki’s death, CEO Sundar Pichai tweeted that she worked with Google from 2014 to 2023. He served as the CEO of YouTube from 2014 to 2023.
Cancer is a disease that is very difficult to cure and its proper drug treatment is not yet available so one should not use cancer-related products.
Surviving a major disease like cancer despite receiving thousands of rupees is a very difficult situation and a very difficult disease He has physically left us all
The former CEO of YouTube has died
Biggest news today Susan Wojcicki is no longer with us